الخميس، 22 أغسطس 2024

Download PDF | Mathews Thomas F. - The clash of gods_ a reinterpretation of early Christian art, Princeton University Press 1999.

Download PDF | Mathews Thomas F. - The clash of gods_ a reinterpretation of early Christian art, Princeton University Press 1999.

238 Pages 


I WELCOME THIS Opportunity to emend two serious shortcomings in the first edition of a book that has had its share of controversy. In the second chapter my obsolete dating of the Al-Mouallaka lintel gave it undo prominence in my argument; it belongs to the eighth century not the fourth, and my attempt to correct this in a second printing of the book failed to clarify the issues involved. 

In the meanwhile the discovery of a new fourth-century piece from Palestine confirms my belief in the early popularity of the Entry into Jerusalem through- out the empire and prompts me to argue my Arian interpretation of the theme a little differently, and I hope more convincingly. 

In addition, I have tried to make good an omission in the first edition that I was conscious of from the start but was unable to remedy within the sabbatical schedule of my writing, namely icons. The introduction of cultic panel paint- ings was certainly one of the major developments of the Early Christian period and one with long-lasting consequences for the history of art. 

In the interval since the appearance of the first edition, I have been pursuing research on the connection of icons to the religious panel paintings of Late Antiquity, and I am happy to be able now to present a summary of my findings. Here, too, past scholarship, I believe, has been excessively concerned with finding imperial sources. For their attention in reading the new chapter on icons, I am especially grateful to Helen C. Evans of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Thelma K. Thomas of the university of Michigan .


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