الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2024

Download PDF | Byzantium_ Capital of an Ancient Empire , By Giles Morgan, Pocket Essentials 2007.

Download PDF | Byzantium_ Capital of an Ancient Empire ,  By Giles Morgan, Pocket Essentials 2007.

162 Pages 


In 312 AD, Constantine the Great saw a shining cross of light in the sky. This is the legend that has become attached to the Roman Emperor who is today widely seen as having played a crucial role in the transmission of Christianity to the West. Constantine is often credited with having made two important and interlinked decisions that were to play a major part in the shaping of modern Europe.The first was his toleration, and subsequent adoption, of Christianity. 

The second was the relocation of the capital of the Empire to the site of the ancient Greek city of Byzantium.The term ‘Byzantine’ derives from this city of Byzantium, founded in 667 BC by Greek colonists from Megara and named in honour of their leader Byzas. Re-founded as ‘Nova Roma’ or New Rome in 330 AD, this new capital became better known as Constantinople or the ‘city of Constantine’. The Byzantine Empire grew out of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire and was to continue long after the Western Empire finally fell to Germanic tribes in 476 AD. Indeed, the Byzantine Empire would endure until as late as 1453 and the eventual fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks. 

Until comparatively recently historians and scholars tended to dismiss the achievements and innovations of the Byzantine Empire as being of a lesser magnitude than those of ancient Greece and Rome. But increasingly there has been a reassessment of this view and an acknowledgement of the unique nature of Byzantine culture and its role in linking the ancient world with the medieval period. In recent years the development of Christianity and the role of Constantine the Great in that process has come under intense scrutiny, particularly in the wake of the popular success of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code. Constantine is generally perceived as the first Christian Emperor but controversy has surrounded the differing forms that Christianity took in a period of intense theological debate. The varying movements within the Church would lead ultimately to the convening of the Council of Nicaea in an attempt to ratify Christian belief. 

It is interesting to note, however, that, even as Christianity became the state religion of the Empire, many pagan beliefs, stories and ideas from the classical world survived and, indeed, were incorporated into the new dominant religion. Grave goods and luxury items, produced in Byzantine territories from different time periods up until as late as the Middle Ages, depict preChristian themes and images and challenge the idea that Byzantine art was solely concerned with Christian content. Arguably, the Emperor Justinian I was to have as much influence over the development of the Byzantine Empire as Constantine since he extended the boundaries of its lands substantially, notably within Italy and North Africa. Justinian was also responsible for the building of the legendary domed church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. During his lifetime Constantinople would become one of the major cities of the ancient world. However, the authority and power of the Byzantine Empire were to be seriously tested by the rise of Islam. Territories belonging to the Empire were lost and the city of Constantinople withstood sieges by Arab navies. 

The Byzantines displayed great resourcefulness and technological ingenuity during these trying times, developing an incendiary substance known as ‘Greek Fire’ which appears to have had similar properties to napalm. The secret formula for its creation was said to only be known to the Emperors of Byzantium. It proved particularly effective when propelled by pumps, often in battles at sea. Conflicts emerged within Byzantine Christianity over the worship of icons and, in 726 AD, Emperor Leo III banned them throughout the Empire. However, in 843 AD, this decision was overturned.Tensions between the Eastern and Western Church would lead eventually to the Great Schism of 1054 when the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated one another, paving the way for the entirely separate Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches that we know today. The defeat of Byzantine forces at the Battle of Manzikert by the Seljuk Turks resulted in appeals to the West for aid and precipitated the First Crusade. 

However, Constantinople was itself overrun by Crusader forces in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade. The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 was a major shock to many Western European countries and has subsequently come to be seen as marking the end of the medieval period. The collapse of the Byzantine Empire is considered to have contributed greatly to the Renaissance. Many scholars had to flee Constantinople to the West, carrying unique knowledge and material with them. Constantinople had also served as an important city linking East and West on the Silk Road and its loss sparked attempts to open up new trade routes. Exploration by sea following the fall of the Byzantine Empire would, in time, lead to important new discoveries by Europeans.The development of Christianity and Islam has been strongly influenced by the Byzantine Empire and its major legacy today is arguably the survival of the Orthodox Church. The staggering scale of the Empire at its peak is illustrated by the buildings that remain from its rule in countries ranging from Macedonia to Northern Africa.The art and architecture produced by the Byzantines is distinctive and fascinating as is their often incredible, and sometimes overlooked, story.


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