الخميس، 4 يوليو 2024

Download PDF | Carl Sharif El-Tobgui - Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation - A Study of Dar’ Ta’arid al-‘aql wa-l-naql, Brill 2020.

Download PDF | Carl Sharif El-Tobgui - Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation - A Study of Dar’ Ta’arid al-‘aql wa-l-naql, : Brill 2020.

459 Pages 


No work of the nature of the current study can possibly be accomplished by any person without substantial support, both academic and personal, from myriad quarters. As this book began as a PhD dissertation, I begin by thanking my doctoral supervisor and mentor, Prof. Wael Hallaq, who for many years provided me direction and guidance and who continues not only to inspire me but to elicit from me the deepest admiration.I would also like to extend a special word of gratitude to Prof. Robert Wisnovsky, who agreed to serve as a co-supervisor during the last stages of my doctoral work and who provided me with direction and advice on the development of the manuscript thereafter. 

I also record a word of debt to the late Shahab Ahmed for his friendship and collegiality over one and a half decades, for granting me generously of his time on numerous occasions, and for allowing me to audit his course “The Life and Times of Ibn Taymiyya” at Harvard University in fall 2005. I would like to thank the anonymous reviewer commissioned by Brill for his or her thorough assessment of the manuscript and detailed suggestions for revision. I believe the final product has been substantially improved through this feedback; any shortcomings remain, of course, entirely my responsibility. I offer my thanks to Jon Hoover for his extensive comments and direction on an earlier version of the manuscript, as well as for his prompt and helpful feedback on the glossary of terms. Special thanks likewise go to Daniel Haqiqatjou, Ismail Lala, Elias Muhanna, and Samuel Ross for reading and commenting on an earlier version of the full manuscript and to Celene Ibrahim, Aeyaz Kayani, Suheil Laher, Joseph Lumbard, Aria Nakissa, and Aaron Spevack for their comments and feedback on specific parts of the work. I thank Aaron Spevack also for his detailed input on the glossary of terms. 

Kind thanks are due to Khaled El-Rouayheb and Mohammed Rustom for their timely and helpful feedback on the glossary of terms as well. For their valuable research assistance, I offer my thanks to Alaa Murad for her early help in tracking down sources and to Elias Abrar for his generous and very prompt assistance in verifying and updating the references to chapter 1. Special thanks are due to Nader Hirmas for tracking down and sorting out numerous references in chapter 3 and to Mobeen Vaid for his extensive research assistance at various stages of this project and particularly for his help in verifying death dates and creating entries for the glossary of proper names. I also express my gratitude to Suleyman Dost for his help in editing and finalizing the glossary of proper names and to Nader Hirmas for scouting out and suggesting the cover image and for his help in preparing the diagrams. 

I would like to thank Marc Brettler and Jonathan Decter for the valuable faculty mentorship they have provided me, as well as Eugene Sheppard for his support at critical moments in the later stages of this project. Special thanks are likewise due to Sylvia Fried, who gave very generously of her time and advice over the past year in helping me navigate the idiosyncratic world of academic publishing. Kind thanks also go to Joanne Arnish and Jean Mannion in the Near Eastern and Judaic Studies front office for making sure that things always run so smoothly in the department and for their constant readiness to provide personal support and assistance whenever asked. I offer my gratitude as well to Brandeis University for its research support over many years and, particularly, for the generous support provided to fund open access publishing of this work through a combination of grants from the Tomberg Research Funds, the Dean’s Academic Support Fund, and the Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects. I also thank the Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Department at Brandeis for supporting the indexing of the book through two NEJS Graduate Student and Faculty Research Grants. I would like to thank Rebekah Zwanzig for copyediting the penultimate version of the manuscript and for her help in verifying death dates, creating entries for the glossary of proper names, and putting together the tabular summary of Ibn Taymiyya’s bibliography. Outstanding thanks are due to Valerie Joy Turner for her very thorough copyediting of the final version of the manuscript, as well as for her great meticulousness and acumen in preparing the indices. 

I offer a particular note of thanks to Teddi Dols at Brill for her exceptional professionalism, helpfulness, good cheer, and generous patience from the time I submitted the manuscript for consideration until the time it was handed over to production. I likewise thank Wilma de Weert for seeing the book through the typesetting and publication phases so efficiently and for her indulgence of the extensive fine-tuningI carried out on the manuscript while it was under her stewardship. Publishing with Brill has been a wonderfully pleasant and rewarding experience, and much of the credit for that undoubtedly goes to Ms. Dols and to Ms. de Weert. I likewise express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Dieuwertje Kooij for her outstanding diligence in typesetting the manuscript and for her kind indulgence in the face of the enormous number of changes I made to the text after it had already been set in proofs. I record a special word of debt and appreciation to Hisham Mahmoud, who witnessed this project from its very inception, never stopped believing that I would (eventually) get it done, and stood by me with much-needed gestures of encouragement and support in some of my darkest hours.

To my ever loving and unflinchingly supportive parents and to my wonderful sisters, Magda and Nadia: you have never failed to be there for me in every conceivable way. Your unshakeable belief in me, your constant encouragement and advice, your many prayers, and the myriad practical ways in which you have all so frequently stepped in to lighten the burden have been no less than critical to the instantiation of this work—a work that, indeed, belongs every bit as much to you as it does to me. À mes beaux-parents, M. Ahmed Nadifi et feu l’Honorable Zineb Talbi, et à mon beau-frère Si Karim : Nuls mots ne suffiraient à traduire l’immense reconnaissance que je porte envers vous. Nulles paroles ne sauraient égaler l’éloquence de vos gestes héroïques témoignés à mon égard: vos innombrables attentions, votre largesse sans bornes, la solidarité intégrale dont vous n’avez jamais cessé de me faire preuve. Dieu seul saurait m’acquitter de tout ce dont je vous suis redevable. I reserve a very special word of thanks to the incomparable Maysam al Faruqi, the most passionate and contagiously inspiring teacher I have ever encountered. Studying with Prof. al Faruqi as an undergraduate at Georgetown University years ago was the catalyst that propelled me onto the paths I currently tread. 

Her unexpected re-entry into my life at various critical junctures over the past decade has been nothing short of a godsend. Even a perfunctory account of the prodigious ways in which Prof. al Faruqi has gone far above any reasonable call of duty would likely necessitate an entire chapter unto itself. Suffice it therefore to say: no thanks will ever be enough. It seems customary to reserve the final spot for those who have made the greatest sacrifices and who thus merit the highest tribute and the profoundest acknowledgement of all: my beloved wife, Nadia—whose limitless capacity to nurture and encourage, whose unwavering constancy and faultless dedication, and whose inexhaustible stores of tender cheer and unyielding forbearance have never ceased to humble and to bewilder me—and those two glowing apples of my eye, my dearest Adnane and Amina, the lights of my life, on account of whomI may justly lay claim to the honorable epithet Dhū al-Nūrayn. Words cannot thank you enough, my dears, for having had so often to compete for the time and attention of your father with a relentlessly jealous computer screen. Together you three are my answer to the Qurʾānic supplication “Our Lord! Grant us spouses and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes.”Bārak Allāhu fīkum! Wa-mā tawfīqī illā billāh 



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